Krill Oil Supplementation!
When it comes to krill oil, the Omega-3 supplementation is more important than any multivitamin. The anti-inflammatory effect alone would benefit millions who suffer from arthritis and generalized aches and pains. Omega-3 fatty acids are highly concentrated in the brain and are essential for memory and behavior. There are many studies that show that the Omega-3 found in fish oils play an impressive role in those suffering from depression or bipolar disorder. If you have a tendency for Seasonal Affective Disorder, taking fish oils can help by increasing serotonin (happy hormone) levels. Pregnant moms should absolutely take fish oils to optimize brain growth in their unborn child and the supplementation should continue after birth. Omega-3's benefit cardiac function and have blood-thinning qualities that may help to prevent heart attack or stroke. I think most individuals would agree that taking fish oils daily would be more beneficial than blood thinners or aspirin, both of wh...