Beware of Food Labels!

Most consumers fall for words like "all natural," or "heart healthy" and are drawn to labels with pretty pictures of fruits and vegetables when shopping for groceries. These very misleading marketing ploys are partially responsible for the rising numbers of those diagnosed with heart disease, diabetes, and people suffering from obesity, even though they are eating foods that claim to benefit health. Here are some examples of poor choices you could be making right now:

-Nutri-grain and whole wheat waffles: These waffles actually contain more white flour than whole wheat (not that whole wheat is much better).

-High fiber bars: These bars are marketed for a diet high in fiber to help you lose weight and feel full. check the oat and chocolate "naturally flavored" bars, which have more chocolate than oats and have at least six types of sugar in the ingredient list. If you'd like to experience abdominal bloating and gas from the sugar alcohols, and fast-track yourself to an adult onset diabetes diagnosis - eat these!

When shopping for children, please do not fall for pictures of fruits or added vitamins on the labels. It infuriates me that many of these products are allowed to be sold to growing children and we wonder why we see so many suffer from ADD/ADHD. An example of nutrition gone wrong for toddler age children are those billed as "graduates for preschoolers juice treats." Absolutely NO healthy fat or protein, just 17 grams of sugar, and corn syrup. There is more sugar than juice.

For those still convinced that eating low fat will protect their hearts, some fat free dressings have 7 grams of sugar in the form of high fructose corn syrup. Diabetes first, then heart disease will surely follow.

For those already suffering from diabetes, the old recommendations were to eat sugar free. So how about a sugar free devil's food cake mix? You may find yourself running for the bathroom from the laxative effect of maltitol (sugar alcohol), suffering the negative affects from trans fats (partially hydrogenated soybean oil) and lets not forget brain or neurologic damage from sucralose or acesulfame potassium.

Now for those who are too busy and must resort to buying frozen meals, consider that nothing nutritious is cooked in the microwave. An 8.5 ounce meal often contains more than 50 ingredients. I checked a frozen cuisine of lean chicken with basil cream sauce, which contained trans fats (partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated anything), chicken parts (you don't want to know), MSG or monosodium glutamate (disguised as why protein concentrate), and many other chemicals and sugars.

MSG affects many individuals with symptoms such as migraine headaches, upset stomach, fuzzy thinking, diarrhea, heart irregularities, asthma and/or mood swings. It is not easily recognized as it is hidden under many names.

The following ingredients should always be treated as MSG. Anything with the words "glutamate," yeast extract, anything "hydrolyzed," autolyzed yeast, gelatin, textured protein, soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, vetsin, and ajinomoto. Bouillon and broth often contain MSG and the same goes for soy sauce.

Even foods labeled as organic can contain high amounts of sugar and other ingredients that are not health promoting. So many well-intending people are falling for marketing tricks that do not benefit your health. Many are just still stuck in the old thinking that a low fat sugar-free diet is best, when the exact opposite is true.

Eating foods as they come from nature in their purest forms. There is such an amazing selection of fresh food available to you. Frozen, wild caught fish, with asparagus and a salad make a great meal that takes less than 20 minutes to put together. You do not have to be a chef to cook healthy meals that taste amazing. Fresh herbs not only add flavor, but most have health benefits as well. Eat well, be well!


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