Get off the hamster wheel!

    Things to prevent and have on hand should illness strike.

I am constantly being bombarded with, "I'm sick again and I can't seem to shake it." or "This cough will not go away" or "Every time I fly, I get sick."
"My kids bring home everything."  "I've taken a Z-pack and it's not working."

It's time to get off the hamster wheel once and for all.  In order to do this, you must be prepared and even be minimally proactive as the "sick season" begins.  It is not too late as cold and flu season will likely go through April.

Remember that you can log into this information anytime you want to refresh your memory or even order the supplements.  Even if I have not seen you in  a while, I really want you to stay healthy. 

MY FIRST QUESTION IS, "HOW MUCH VITAMIN D3 ARE YOU TAKING?".  If you have let this most important supplement slip from your daily routine, not only are you an open door to colds and flu, but auto-immune disease, cancer, and Seasonal Affective Disorder---just to name a few.  For most of us, 4000-6000iu daily (2-3 drops), is a great dose that should help to keep our levels between 65-100.  You do not want you levels below 50--ever. Liqui-D3 gets levels up far faster than any other type out there

Vitamin C-  A good quality vitamin C (not just ascorbic acid) is not only anti-aging, but protective against illness.  Maintenance is 1000-2000mg daily.  If you are sick, try 3000mg 2x daily. 

COLLOIDAL SILVER (ACS SPRAY)-- excellent flu prevention.  I take 5 sprays 1x per day to prevent illness during flu season.  I also take this prior to fights.  Thios product is excellent for those who just cant shake that upper respiratory infection

One of my favorite go-to remedies to shorten the duration of many winter bugs is DEFENSE by Optimal Health System.  This is an Arizona based company snd you would need to order direct from them (they have my favorite digestive enzymes as well).  Tell them Cathi Stack sent you.  Get this before you are sick!  Then take like this:  4 capsules 3x per day for 2 days, 3 capsules 2x per day x 2 days, Then 2 capsules twice daily for a week (but you will typically forget as you will be feeling so much better. 

A-BIOTIC better than an antibiotic in that it treats virus as well.  Comparable (yet different) to Defense

Oscillococcinum-  One of the most popular homeopathic flu remedies.  Take 2-3 vials per day for 2-3 days

ZINC-  has become a popular treatment for the common cold. Some studies have found that zinc lozenges may reduce the duration of cold, perhaps by as much as 50%, and may reduce the number of upper respiratory infections in children. Zinc helps fight infection and heal wounds.

To order any of these supplements, login to FULLSCRIPT and put name of supplement in search area.



  • A diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates (muffins bagels, breads, pasta...) is asking for trouble.  
  • Citrus fruit is in season for a reason--eat it!  Berries as well.  Packed with potent antioxidants, daily fruit has protective qualities.   
  • Garlic, ginger, horseradish have amazing anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti fungal properties.
  • Eat Lots of vegetables.  Even though we are out of season, vegetables provide many health benefits.  
  • Eating only prepared and processed foods will get you no-where--- BUT Fat!
  • Nuts, seeds, olive oil, coconut oil and avocado are excellent healthy fats
  • Herbal teas count as water.  You are sure to find ones that you.
  • CHICKEN SOUP-  is a very excellent remedy!  Make and freeze some to have on hand for when illness makes an unexpected visit.



Sleep is essential for every aspect of health.  If you do not sleep well, not only do you leave yourself open to a host of chronic illnesses but an accelerated aging process that is hard to fight no matter how much botox you get ;)
SLEEP FACTORS is a broad spectrum multi-tasker when it come to a better quality sleep.  There are a variety of reasons that we don't sleep and this supplement addresses most of them.  It is non-habit forming but best taken when you really need a good nights sleep.  It is safe.

To me, these are just some of the basics.  By just taking Vitamin D3 alone, you will dramatically improve your ability to resist illness.  I cannot emphasize this enough.


Catherine Stack ND, CNM


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