A Midlife Rollercoaster Ride
A Midlife Rollercoaster Ride Catherine Stack ND, CNM For a few individuals, menopause (or MANopause) is a fairly uneventful few years occurring somewhere between the years of forty and fifty five. And then there are the rest of us! It may begin as an unexplainable, low level anxiety that sits just below the surface of our emotions. Maybe it is just an annoying wake up at 2 am for no reason. Some women will wonder why they just woke up, only to immediately feel the most intense wave of heat attempt to escape their body in a burst of sweat, heart palpitations, and the overwhelming need to open the window (even if it is only 20 degrees outside). You are sure that the caloric burn of such an event should be equivalent to a week's worth of food and yet here you are gaining a few more pounds each and every year. Your husband’s facial hair seems to have become contagious and you are curious as to why everyone thinks that YOU are moody. Although it does not appear that men experie
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