Are You Suffering From Fake Food Poisoning?

We have become a nation of fake food consumers the younger generation will not have longevity on their side. This population eats the least amount of “real” food and is suffering the consequences as early as their late teens and early twenties.  I am seeing evidence mostly in the form of Attention Deficit Disorder, learning disabilities, hormone imbalances, anxiety, chronic constipation, obesity and depression- just to name the most common issues.

Many of you out there are addicted to many of the chemicals in your foods and don’t even know it.

Many suffer needlessly from allergies, headaches and joint pain from toxic food.  A quick and inexpensive cure that doesn’t require medications or expensive testing would be the eliminating the aggravating factors.  The following foods are some of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to causing illness and obesity in this country. 

Cool Whip

A tasteless blend of sugar of the worst kind (high fructose corn syrup), hydrogenated oils (trans-fat- AKA wax), and a common condom lubricant (polysorbate 60) to name just a few ingredients. What happened to whipping real cream? By far the healthier choice.

Salad dressings

Think you’re eating healthy by eating that fresh salad? Think again if you are going to top it with some chemical laden salad dressing. Even worse with those spray dressings or “low fat” dressings which are extremely high in sugar. Read the list of chemicals. If you have more than oil (cold pressed), vinegar and herbs you can identify. ... your getting chemicals.  Homemade salad dressing tastes so much better and only takes a few short minutes to make.

Flavored water

Water is not supposed to be flavored or colored and yet people are flocking to buy it thinking it is a healthy alternative to their soda or other sweet drink. NOT. Most flavored waters contain, artificial coloring, artificial and “natural” flavors along with artificial sweeteners (more on that in a minute). Some are even injected with herbs and synthetic vitamins at an attempt to make you think you are drinking something healthy. BEWARE! Drink real water, add lemon for taste if you wish.  Half your body weight in ounces of water per day will help to flush those toxic chemicals out.

Artificial sweetners

Splenda (sucralose), Truvia (man made), Equal (aspartame), Sweet-n-Low (saccharine), etc. 

Have you ever noticed that people who use artificial sweeteners are more overweight than those who don’t? This includes those who drink “diet” beverages of any kind. Study after study confirms that people using artificial sweeteners will have great difficulty in losing weight and are much more likely to be overweight.  Don’t get tricked into thinking it is a healthy choice. Artificial sweeteners to more do cause “sweet” cravings than any other food and they are so much sweeter than the natural options. They are also one of the major contributing factors in Alzheimer’s disease.

American cheese

How embarrassing that a cheese using our nationality resembles plastic more than cheese.  Most labels read “pasteurized process cheese food”.  It may comfort some that “cheese culture” is actually one of many ingredients.  God only knows what creates that bright orange color.  Goat cheese, fresh mozzarella and feta are healthier choices.

Butter spreads

Most of you are now well aware that margarine, resembles a plastic molecule, it is lethal when it comes to your health.   Many are fooled to believe those health butter spreads are a better choice. Unless the ingredient list consists of only cream and maybe salt, I wouldn’t eat it.  Butter is always your best choice. Don’t even ask me about the spray butter — gross!

Egg Beaters

Essentially, Egg Beaters are eggs that have had the yolks removed and then are fortified with a synthetic version of the nutrients they pulled out. Sadly, most of the population does not realize that eggs are actually a source of healthy cholesterol. Healthy cholesterol levels are IMPERATIVE for hormone balance. By not supplying your body with enough healthy fats and naturally occurring cholesterol, we predispose our bodies to cascade of events that accelerates the progress of illness, aging and insanity.

Unfortunately, very few people consider their food as a cause of illness or as potential medicine. For those of you unwilling to change a few bad habits, the list of aches and pains will get longer and so will your list of medications.  Eating food the way it comes from nature is the best way to avoid illness, inflammation and obesity.  Real food does not have an ingredient list. Man-made foods should be avoided. Breaking some of these bad habits won’t come easy, but I guarantee you’ll love how you feel.


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