Your Most Important Supplement: Water!

Water is one of the most inexpensive nutrients essential for health, flexibility and vitality.  Water can do more to facilitate health and weight loss than most supplements anyone could recommend.

The human body consists of anywhere from 55% to 78% water depending on body size.  A rule of thumb, 2/3 of the body consists of water.  The brain consists of 90% water, muscle 75%, bone 20% and blood consists of 83% water.  Every cell in your body needs water to function.  Many headaches are a direct result of dehydration.  Two eight ounce glasses of water and a twenty minute break would be curing for most headaches rather than the band aid approach of analgesics such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

The kidneys depend on sufficient water intake in order to function properly.  If the kidneys are deprived, the liver becomes overworked.  One of the many functions of the liver is to metabolize stored fat into energy.  If the liver is compensating for the kidneys, less fat is metabolized and will remain stored in the body.

Water plays an integral role in transporting nutrients and oxygen into the cells.  It moisturizes the air in the lungs, regulates body temperature, detoxifies organs and helps to protect our joints.  Water acts as a lubricant to protect our body parts.  Good hydration will also improve muscle tone and increase the effectiveness of workouts.

Metabolism is also directly affected by water consumption.  Researchers from Berlin’s Franz-Volhard Clinical Research Center in Germany report that water consumption increases the rate at which people burn calories.  After drinking 17 ounces of water, the metabolic rate of the participants in this study increased by 30%.

Dehydration can lead to joint pain, backache, constipation, fatigue, depression, headaches, cramping and in severe cases, death.  Symptoms of a hangover are due to moderate to severe dehydration.  Alcohol is a very strong diuretic and causes the body to excrete water.  Alternating an alcoholic beverage with water would be key in preventing dehydration and those ugly symptoms of a hangover.

The general rule of thumb is to consume your body weight in ounces of water per day. External factors such as heat, humidity, obesity and level of activity may alter the actual amount of water required for optimal benefit.

Alternative sources of water are bottled, spring, mineral, filtered, distilled and purified. Each has advantages and disadvantages which could make for very lengthy discussions. Plastic bottles are the most common and a current topic of controversy. Not only are they polluting our environment, they are becoming thinner and toxins from the plastic are being leeched into the water. If one buys bottled water from stores, you’ll find the best choices are in glass. Never freeze and thaw water in plastic bottles or drink bottled water that has been heated in the plastic such as water bottles left in the car.  Consumption of water that is placed in inferior forms of plastic may increase your risk for cancer due to BPA (bisphenol A) contamination.  This forms a harmful estrogenic effect in the body (xeno estrogens).

Safer choices for water consumption include plastic #2 or #5, glass, aluminum or stainless steel.   Decorated aluminum and stainless steel bottles are gaining in popularity as they are reusable and eventually recyclable.

While it is not an absolute cure-all, water is the primary ingredient for health and vitality. It should be high on your supplement list as the benefits are abundant.


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