Lemon Water Boosts Metabolism

For some reason, I am a regular drinker of lemon water from about November through spring and then I fall off the wagon.

I am not sure why I stop, because I always feel better when I do drink lemon water. I feel my metabolism benefits and I am sure most would agree they could use a little boost in this area. This easy to put into practice therapy has many benefits and I hope you all incorporate it into your daily routines.

The medicinal value of the lemon (organic is always best) is best described as anti-bacterial and anti-scorbutic, which means it is a remedy that will prevent disease and assist in cleansing the body of impurities.

People who suffer from heartburn, bloating and belching will feel much better after incorporating this easy therapy.  By drinking lemon juice regularly, constipation and diarrhea are often relieved.

A popular book “Back to Eden,” written by Jethro Kloss, describes the lemon as a very effective liver stimulant and dissolvent of uric acid. Lemon helps to liquefy bile making digestive juices flow much more freely.

Lemons are also useful in treating asthma, colds, coughs, sore throat, influenza, heartburn, liver complaint issues, scurvy, kidney stones, fevers and rheumatism.  Drinking lemon water on a regular basis may even help women with heavy periods.

Fresh lemon juice provides the body with calcium, magnesium and potassium, as well as vitamin C. Lemons are the most alkaline of all fruits and an alkaline body can resist illness and disease far better than an acidic one.

It is very rare for one to have a lemon allergy so there is no excuse for you not to try this. For those with stomach ulcers, you are not likely to desire swallowing lemon water but it will actually benefit you.  Start with very diluted juice and work your way up to a half or whole lemon twice daily. You will feel an overall improvement in your digestive health.

Here are some lemon remedies I like to share with you.  You have nothing to lose by trying them and lots to gain.

Treat a sore throat with a half lemon in six to eight ounces of water. Gargle and swallow. Repeat frequently through out the day.

A tablespoon of fresh lemon juice (undiluted) one hour before each meal has been helpful in those with asthma.

A teaspoon of lemon juice in a half glass of water will help relieve heartburn.

For those with liver issues, squeeze the juice of one lemon into hot water and drink.

A slice of lemon bound over a corn overnight will greatly relieve the pain.

For the average person of 150 pounds or less, drinking a half squeezed lemon in an 8-12 ounces glass of room temperature or warm water twice daily is optimal. Those weighing over 150 would also benefit but you may want to consider one lemon twice daily.

There is rarely a person who does not benefit from this simple addition to your daily routine.


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