Starving Yourself? Think Again!

Did you ever think that all your hard work dieting would ever backfire leaving you heavier than before?  Do you have to starve yourself in order to lose just three to four pounds?  You are definitely not alone.

Most overweight individuals will tell how they are dieting to no avail.  It seems to become harder and harder to lose a few pounds and eventually they’ll give up for lack of results, feelings of deprivation or depression due to a poor body image.

I hate the word diet!  I don’t believe in them — at all.  Diets have done more to harm the health of the individual than they have helped.  The chemical laden, processed foods that have been created for the professional dieter have only lead to more obesity and significantly decreased the odds of longevity.  Another point of failure is that a “diet” is a temporary state of mind.  Most dieters look forward to achieving their goal so they don’t have to be on a diet anymore, leaving them open to weight that creeps back on with a vengeance.  The cycle begins.  I hate diets!

What Diets Don’t Consider

You are a unique individual.  No two humans are alike.  You have different blood types, different metabolic profiles and some of you work even harder due to thyroid and hormone imbalances.  The same diet that may benefit one individual may wreak havoc in another.

Unidentified food allergies make weight loss virtually impossible, leaving you with a layer of inflammation or as I refer to it, “false fat”.  Digestion is sluggish, constipation is frequent and nutrient absorption is poor.  Medications may also be interfering with food absorption and breakdown.

Loaded with Candida (yeast), many of you suffer from bloating and abdominal discomfort.  For this individual, eating healthy foods may be difficult as the yeast cause you to crave sugar and refine carbohydrates--quite a disadvantage.  Anyone who is frequently on antibiotics is likely to have an abundance of yeast in their system.  Yeast and healthy bacteria compete for space. Optimal digestion cannot be achieved until yeast is eliminated and healthy bacteria colonies are restored.

How to Achieve Your Permanent Healthy Weight

First, you must eliminate all “diet” foods.  Avoid “fat free”, “sugar-free”, “low-carb” and other foods that suggest man has interfered.  Eating an abundance of real food that has not been processed will eliminate what prevents many from losing weight.  Raw foods contain enzymes.  Make a habit of including raw foods into your daily routine.

Lose the sweet tooth.  This is very high on the list when it comes to successful weight loss and abundant health. Artificial sweeteners may have no calories, but they are so much sweeter than natural forms of sugar — they actually cause more intense cravings. Craving something sweet? Eat fruit. This is the only form of sweetness I recommend.

When I begin to work with individuals looking to find health and vitality, we start by eliminating the foods that negatively impact 80-90% of those who are overweight, suffering from allergies, diabetic, have heart disease or many of the other inflammatory illnesses. This gives the body quite a head start in achieving better health and a notable weight loss.  We will then gradually incorporate eating for your metabolic profile and blood type. Calories, carbohydrates, fats and proteins become less of a focus when you learn what your body’s blood type, metabolic profile and other particulars are. Fine tuning is very individual and not hard to do once you know what to look for.

Start eating for your health and weight will never be an issue.


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