Miss Something? Maybe It's Iodine!

Many people are not familiar with all the benefits and protective qualities of iodine.  Some have recently become familiar with iodine after the recent Japan earthquake as it protected individuals against nuclear radiation toxicity.

My own supplier was backordered for more than a few weeks, they could not keep up with the demand.

Iodine, or potassium iodide, is very effective when administered 48 hours before or eight hours after the exposure from a nuclear accident.

But iodine is not only protective against radiation exposure; it can prevent high-risk pregnancy, hypothyroidism, fibrocystic breast disease, infections, digestive issues and more.

Iodine is a non-metallic trace element that is needed for the normal metabolism of cells.  Humans need iodine for normal thyroid function and for the production of thyroid hormones.

Unfortunately, iodine deficiency is prevalent throughout the world. Most people get iodine in their diet from seafood and iodized salt. However, only about 50% of Americans use iodized salt and because of concerns about high blood pressure, many people have reduced their salt intake.

The Great Lakes region is commonly referred to as the goiter belt as a result of soil lacking in iodine. Iodine deficiency is the predominant cause of hypothyroidism and goiter. Without enough iodine, the thyroid cells and the thyroid gland become enlarged. This deficiency is more common in women and pregnant women.

Iodine requirements are increased in pregnant and breast-feeding women.

Iodine deficiency during pregnancy has been associated with increased incidence of miscarriage, stillbirth, and birth defects. 

Back in the day, iodine was used topically and even orally as a very effective antiseptic. It is very effective in killing Salmonella bacteria. Iodine has potent anti-fungal and anti-viral properties as well. According to Dr. Hulda Clark as stated in “The Cure for All Diseases,” iodine has a distinctive trait: it attaches onto anything and everything. It will attach to mucous and cannot be quickly absorbed into blood or other organs. It stays in the stomach. And for this reason it is so useful for killing vicious bacteria like Salmonella. She notes, “With its peculiar attaching property, it arrives into the stomach, reattaches to everything in its proximity. Doomed are all salmonellas. Doomed also are eggs of parasites that might be in the stomach.” As little as three drops in a quart of water is also an effective wash for fruits and vegetables.

Fibrocystic breast disease is a benign non-cancerous condition of the breasts. Uncomfortable lumps and breast tenderness are characteristic of this condition.  Iodine supplementation has been very beneficial in relieving symptoms.  Iodine supplementation has also been shown to reduce the recurrence of breast cancer in women who have already had it as well as protective effect in prevention.

Kelp (sea vegetable) is one of the best food sources of iodine.  Kelp can be easily taken in supplement form in order to protect you from iodine deficiency.  Ioderol is a high quality iodine supplement. Lugol’s solution is a popular liquid form of iodine that may be a bit more difficult to find.

Iodine is safe unless a person is allergic to it. Adults older than 40 years have a greater chance of having allergic reactions to iodine.

Acute iodine poisoning is rare and usually occurs only with doses of many grams. Symptoms of acute iodine poisoning include burning of the mouth, throat, and stomach; fever; nausea; vomiting; diarrhea; a weak pulse; and coma.

I have incorporated the use of iodine in my practice for so many reasons.  Very few individuals are not suffering from hypothyroid conditions and many have fallen through the cracks when it comes to treatment. A little prevention may go along way when it comes to protecting your health — this may be something you might want to consider.


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