Advances in Cancer Treatment

The purpose of this article is to shed some new light on dealing and treating cancer. Statistically, one out of three people will be diagnosed with cancer during the course of their lives.

The cancers of today are much more potent as we are far more toxic and nutritionally at risk. Preservatives, chemicals, artificial sweeteners and overly processed foods fill our bodies with empty calories that ultimately lead to our illness and demise.

Very little has changed in conventional cancer treatment over the past 50 years.

Chemotherapy and radiation do very little for most solid tumors of the lung, liver uterus, pancreas, ovaries and breast especially if there has been metastasis (spreading) to other areas. Chemotherapy has not proven to be much more effective today than it was thirty years ago. Yes, some cancers do respond, but all in all there has been limited progress in the successful treatment of cancer.

I have always believed that if I were to develop cancer, I would have no problem in have the affected area or tumor surgically removed. Then I would nutritionally support my healing body with raw food and supplements.  Great plan you say? Maybe.

What I would not have thought about until recently is, “What caused my cancer cells to grow in the first place?” Even when cancer is “cured” or removed, the potential for more still exists.  Dr. Robert J. Rowen uses the analogy of cutting mold out of a piece of cheese.  You may have removed it temporarily but within a few days, more mold spots will appear.

I’m not trying to scare anyone, just trying to make you think larger than the tumor. Anxiety and stress will fuel any disease process.  Overcoming the fear associated with cancer plays a major role in success.  Yes, cancer is scary but you cannot live or heal buried in fear. Trusting your doctor and other caregivers, being supported by your loved ones and having the faith and conviction to heal will help pave the way to a successful cure.  It is so very important to surround yourself with people who support you, love you and make you laugh no matter how you choose to treat your cancer.

One of the newest, and in my opinion, one of the best reference books for those with cancer is Defeat Cancer by Connie Strasheim.  This is an exceptional read for those in the medical field as well and the layperson with no medical knowledge.  It provides a detailed look of all aspects of cancer — including the pre-cancer person, treatments and even follow up approaches years after the cancer is “cured”. 

In this book, Connie interviews fifteen of the most successful cancer doctors across the world.  Each doctor gives their perspective on the cause and most successful therapies when it comes to treating and successfully beating cancer.  I have never experienced so much useful information in one place.

Intuitively, if you listen, you are generally guided in the right direction when it comes to your health and healing.  You are drawn to the right people, the right doctor, the right situation, etc. Individuals, who follow their intuition, generally have better outcomes than the individuals who take what their doctor say as the only hope, failing to explore other options.

Unfortunately, politics and insurance companies do get in the way of some of these therapies, as they are not deemed “FDA” approved.  Many therapies will not be approved as natural supplements cannot be patented and therefore the pharmaceutical industry has no interest.  Many of the best cancer doctors with the highest success rates are not covered by insurance, but don’t let this discourage you.  Where there is a will, there is a way!  Just the information in this book alone will open so many doors and options in treatment.

Please know that in no way am I compensated in the endorsement of this book. I just want you to know that if the diagnosis of cancer comes your way, you have options.  Do not make any decisions before you take some time to absorb the diagnosis and do some research. If you’d like more information about this book, please visit Do yourself a favor by opening the door to other options in healing cancer.


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