Detox and Live Well with Bentonite Clay!

The use of bentonite clay is a topic I have yet to write about but which frequently comes up in holistic trainings, newsletters and blogs. It is time for me to share.

Our bodies are bombarded with toxins coming at us from all directions:  the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, the cleaning products we use and the byproducts of our own cellular waste that builds up inside us.

For those who have never heard of bentonite clay or its benefits, read on.   Bentonite clay is medicinal powdered clay that comes from weathered volcanic ash. The names bentonite and montmorillonite are sometimes used interchangeably to refer to edible Calcium Bentonite Clays belonging to the smectite family of clays. Calcium-based clays are referred to as “living clays” as they principally consist of minerals that contribute to the production of enzymes in all living organisms.

Bentonite clay is one of the most effective natural intestinal detoxifying agents available and has been used as a potent healing agent for centuries throughout the world.  This liquid clay (or reconstituted powder), once inside our digestive system, absorbs an impressive amount of toxins such as heavy metals, free radicals and pesticides.  It can be compared to a sponge that sops up a sloppy mess, absorbing many times its weight in toxic matter.   It also pulls toxins through the skin when applied topically in clay baths or in poultices.

Toxins tend to be positively charged whereas bentonite clay is negatively charged so the two come together like a magnet and are easily eliminated via a healthy bowel movement, which, by the way, comes with greater ease and frequency in those who use it.

Another positive aspect is once the clay is mixed with water the surface area of the particles become enormous.  An example, as stated by Yerba Prima- a company that markets bentonite clay, suggests that a single quart bottle can represent the total surface area of 12 football fields.  Imagine all the toxins that could be absorbed.

According to the Canadian Journal of Microbiology, bentonite can absorb pathogenic viruses, aflatoxin (a deadly mold linked to liver cancer) and pesticides.

Most healing (from any cause) is accelerated by detoxification of the body and bentonite clay is one of many avenues one can take.   In as little as two weeks, ingesting small amounts of liquid clay daily can improve intestinal irregularity as well as provide relief from chronic constipation, diarrhea, indigestion and ulcers.  Ran Knishinski, author of The Clay Cure, reported that drinking clay helped him eliminate painful ganglion cysts (non-cancerous tumors attached to joints and tendons) within two months, without surgery. My personal experience was settling an upset stomach with just one dose.

Besides the benefits from the ailments listed above, most individuals will notice a surge in physical energy, a clearer complexion, improved gums, whiter eyes and a stronger immune system.

The best way to drink bentonite clay is on an empty stomach or at least one hour before or after a meal.   It has little to no taste and is very easy to take. For those on prescription medications, it is recommended that you wait 1-3 hours before ingesting the clay as not to interfere with absorption.  One of the better and more informative websites that has many articles, studies that include references can be found at

Do some of your own investigating and decide for yourself.  I have seen many individuals benefit from the use of bentonite clay.


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