Sugar Isn't So Sweet

Many of us have spent weeks, months and even years counting calories and grams of fat in the hope of losing a few pounds and keeping them off.

Many  have not heeded the warning to avoid sugar and/or artificial sweeteners.  This mistake has resulted in significant weight gain in a great majority of the population.The average American consumes over 170 pounds of sugar a year. About 18 million people in the United States have been diagnosed with diabetes. It is estimated that about 5 million people are unaware that they have it.

Most low-calorie and low-fat foods are loaded with sugar (not to mention the chemicals).  These sugars include sucrose, fructose, glucose, high fructose corn syrup and milk sugars such as lactose and maltose.  Parents are virtually pouring sugar down their children’s throats in the form of juice boxes, fast foods and sugary snacks.

Diets high in sugar are typically low in omega-3 fatty acids, which are common denominators in children diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder). Childhood obesity is epidemic and has more to do with what we are feeding our children than a lack of exercise.

Most are shocked when I reveal to them that they are consuming sugar every time they put something in their mouth. Sports drinks, canned soups, salad dressing, peanut butter, protein bars, yogurt, alcohol, bagels and fast foods are just a few examples.  Consuming sugar causes your body to hold fat, not lose it. Your fat has little to do with your calorie intake or fat consumption.

Any food that is served through a window, package, can or box is likely to be a simple carbohydrate.  These foods cause a dramatic release of insulin. If done on a regular basis, the body will store fat instead of burn glucose for fuel. Your metabolism is virtually crippled as thermogenesis and lypolysis cannot take place.

Excess insulin will also negatively impact muscle growth, sex drive, appetite (cravings), mood, energy and even fertility. Without sugar, the obese population becomes edgy, depressed, weak and tired. Warning signs that I highly recommend you pay attention to.

Neither diet pills nor anti-diabetic drugs will save you if you continue to fall for the sugar laden processed foods. They will continue to add at least 5 pounds per year to your scale. All in all sugar consumption will help you achieve a premature death usually via heart disease.

Fortunately, you can overcome this addiction without rehab.  You will most likely be miserable for at least a few days, but the good news is you can successfully break this habit in as little as two weeks. You will feel fabulous!   The only way to achieve an inflammation-free, healthy weight is to lose the sugar addiction. And please, whatever you do, do NOT switch to artificial sweeteners as they come with an even longer list of detrimental health hazards.


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