The Benefits of Colloidal Silver

I’ll try to remain politically correct as I explain the benefits and uses of my favorite “have on hand” supplements, colloidal silver. The FDA has not approved its use and in some instances it is illegal to make claims to the benefits of this effective supplement.

Long before antibiotics became the gold standard for treating infection, colloidal silver was used as a very effective germicide. It was commonly used in eye preparations, skin diseases and even gonorrhea. Ancient Egyptians are said to have placed water, wine and vinegar in sliver bottles to prevent spoiling.  Even Hippocrates wrote of the healing properties of silver. Silver even gained regulatory approval in the early 1900s as an antimicrobial agent.

Currently, silver sulfadiazine cream is a very effective anti-bacterial agent in the treatment of burns and is used in most medical institutions. Many hospitals incorporate the use of wound dressings, catheters and endotracheal tubes that contain silver for the anti-infective properties. Topical applications of colloidal silver have been beneficial in treating methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and other antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria.

Although the FDA has not given approval for its use, the application in natural or alternative medicine is remarkable and should be noted. Unfortunately, colloidal silver was given an unfair rap in 2007 when Paul Karason hit the news as the “man who turned blue” from applying and taking massive amounts of colloidal silver. The condition is called argyria, a silver-blue casting of the skin that is irreversible. The news scared many individuals from considering this beneficial supplement but it failed to mention the fact that he was making the silver solution himself in a concentration that is never recommended.

In August 1999, the FDA banned colloidal silver sellers from claiming any therapeutic or preventative use for the product, stating that it was being marketed for numerous diseases without evidence of safety or effectiveness.  It currently has the status of a dietary supplement in the US — so that’s how I’ll use it and now I’ll tell you why you should keep this “supplement” on hand.

Many studies seem to reflect that colloidal silver use has been proven to be useful against many different infections and is toxic against all species of fungi, bacteria, protozoa, parasites and certain viruses. The great news is it does not destroy the healthy bacteria in your body as many antibiotics do — leaving you susceptible to yeast and fungal infections. As a matter of fact, colloidal silver is one of my first line remedies in helping individuals who suffer from chronic yeast infections in addition to using high quality probiotics.

I have also seen impressive results in individuals suffering from upper respiratory infections. That stubborn case of bronchitis that just won’t go away after trying different antibiotics is dramatically improved within a few short days.  Colitis, diverticulitis, mono, chronic fatigue syndrome and even the common cold have benefited from the use of silver solutions. I typically work with a 10ppm solution — which will NEVER turn you blue yet is a very effective dose.

I personally use ACS 200 Silver Spray before I board any flight.  When co-workers are coughing and sneezing all over out work space, you can be sure that not only am I taking my vitamin D3, but I am also taking 5 sprays daily to protect myself and it really works. 

If you are concerned with safe dosing in using colloidal silver I would recommend It is my “supplement” of choice when it comes to infections of any kind. It has even been successful in treating H1N1.

As you can tell, I am an advocate. Most of all, I do not want you to fear something that may be very beneficial and is very safe in treating many infectious illnesses and conditions.


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