Cholesterol is NOT the Enemy!

I have become quite curious as to where and when cholesterol got such a bad rap.

What I have personally seen in my career in health care is that many heart attack victims and coronary bypass recipients actually have what I consider a low cholesterol level.

The more recent thinking is that inflammation is what causes the body to succumb to plaque formation in the arteries, predisposing individuals to heart disease and stroke. Inflammation is degenerative and destructive in our bodies. What causes inflammation you ask?  Sugar, stress, artificial sweeteners, food additives tran fats, interesterified fats, processed foods and a diet lacking in raw fruits and vegetables (especially greens).  Sounds like the typical diet — right?  Now add stress, smoking and obesity and you my friend are the poster child for heart disease among many other degenerative issues.

How do you know if you suffer from inflammation?  Your doctor can do blood tests such as homocysteine or a C-Reactive Protein.  Although these tests are non-specific to where the inflammation is, high levels have been associated with an overall increased risk for death.

Hormone balance in the body is essential for longevity, mental health and preventing illness.  If you understand hormones, you know that cholesterol is at the top of the hormone cascade.  Pregnenalone, progesterone, testosterone and estrogen are all made from cholesterol.  If your cholesterol levels are kept too low—your body cannot make hormones, therefore, you do not feel well.  One of the biggest problems in middle age men today is a growing waistline due to falling testosterone levels.

Cholesterol is actually a healing agent within the body and responds to arterial inflammation by forming a protective plaque on the irritated lining.  Inflammation is the problem — so this is what needs to be addressed or treated in mainstream medicine.

Your doctor may or may not have the same education or belief system when it comes to cholesterol function in the body and I respect that.  Do NOT go off of your medications without discussing this with your doctor.  Instead, do some of your own research and partner with your doctor to make the best decisions for your health.  If you eat a highly processed diet, are overweight, do not take fish oils and lack in caring for your body — you are not responsible enough to take your health into your own hands.  If you are taking medications to lower your cholesterol, you at the very least should be protecting yourself with Co-Q10 (200mg) daily.

Diet and lifestyle are the most important factors when it comes to minimizing inflammation and promoting over-all health.  By identifying and minimizing inflammation in the body, you are sure to be on the right path in preserving your health.


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