Therapies to Treat Depression

Everyone knows someone who suffers or who has suffered from depression.  Many of you may even, unfortunately, suffer from it yourself.  What you may not know is that there are very effective, non-medicinal ways to treat depression.  

Studies have shown that St John’s Wort (herbal remedy) and SAM-e, a synthetic form of a chemical that occurs naturally in the body, are effective when it comes to managing depression. I know many individuals who have taken it upon themselves to do a little research and try these supplements with great success.  DO NOT take these supplements if you are already on anti-depressants or other medications as they may cause interactions.  Always check with your doctor first.

In addition to the long list of benefits that come from exercise, it is a fabulous mood booster.  Exercise has been shown to be just as if not more effective than medications when it comes to treating mild to moderate depression.  Those who exercise on a regular basis are far less likely to suffer from depression than people who don’t.

What most people do not realize is most antidepressants have gastrointestinal side effects that include constipation and weight gain — and I find that to be very depressing in itself! Another caution here; please do not stop any medications without discussing it with your doctor. Some of the side effects can be quite severe and would require you to be taken off VERY slowly.

Diet plays a very important role when it comes to mental clarity and moods.  Foods loaded with chemicals and sugar have a negative effect in the body. Artificial sweeteners and MSG are neurotoxic (kill your brain cells) and carcinogenic (cause cancer).  Foods rich in B vitamins and omega-3 fats (olive oil, fish & flax) have been show to improve moods by raising the “happy” hormones in your body. Fish oils are being studied in depth, as they seem to play a very beneficial role in not only depression but also stabilizing those with bipolar disorder and Seasonal Affective Disorder. If you are already on antidepressants, you may benefit from adding folic acid and taking moderate quantities of fish oils.

Psychotherapy is also an effective way to alleviate symptoms of depression (such as hopelessness, anger or guilt) so that you are able to regain a sense of happiness, stability and control in your life.  Ask around, there are very good therapists out there and your insurance may cover some of the cost. If you do not feel a bond with your therapist after a few sessions, don’t give up — there is someone out there for you.

Yoga is a great tool for quieting the mind, and it can help alleviate symptoms of depression. When your emotional state is weighing you down, try active poses in yoga that will move energy through your body. Standing poses that require balance can help center the mind as well.  Yoga classes are popular and easily found.  Even a beginner can experience many benefits.

Dysfunctional sleep habits are common in those who suffer from depression. Getting a good night’s sleep is very important and establishing a routine is essential.  Going to bed and getting up the same time everyday helps your body reinforce a healthy sleep-wake cycle.  Sleeping in a dark room, away from appliances (electric blankets), TV’s, cell phones and lights allow your body to produce adequate amounts of melatonin.  Melatonin is a hormone that has protective and anti-aging properties.

Meditation and massage are also very beneficial when it comes to treating depression. Meditation helps control negative thinking but may take some practice.  Massage helps to increase painkilling endorphins and serotonin (“happy” hormone) levels. Acupuncture may help restore the body’s emotional balance by stimulating the flow of energy and may prove to be a beneficial therapy for some.

If you are one of the many individuals who suffer from depression try to incorporate a few of these therapies — you have nothing to lose and only happiness to gain.  If you are already under a physicians care for depression, it is always best to keep them informed of any other therapies you chose to incorporate.  

Hang in there, better weather is just around the corner and that alone is likely to improve everyone’s mood.


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